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Our Approach


ConXión has an Indigenous identity based upon traditional values of community, reflected in its mission, vision, and values. It utilizes this community-based approach to build structure around its families to support their healing, and improved economic and social health. This approach also is reflected in the organization’s leadership style, work environment, and communications practices, which all reflect the values, practices, spirituality, and strengths of the unique communities it serves. This approach can assist in building resources and act as both prevention of trauma and its consequences and increase resiliency to the devastating impacts of historical and political trauma.


Its long history and service to the community of Santa Clara means that ConXión has built a network of strong partnerships with other Indigenous organizations and health care providers that have both roots in these communities and the credibility to build trust among the families in these communities.


ConXión's long-established web of support means that these organizations strengthen each other and work cooperatively, and thereby gain the ability to better serve their vulnerable communities. ConXión encourages staff to participate on community and governmental Boards, Commissions, and Committees. ConXión understands working within the community contributes move it towards change for a healthier community for all.

Community engagement

Our process of community engagement often involves integrating practices of preventing discrimination, correcting imbalances, and managing relationships of difference. These tools can help to increase diversity, promote cultural competence, and enhance the organizational credibility and effectiveness of our programs. ConXión builds ongoing, permanent relationships for the purpose of applying a collective vision for the benefit of our community.


Many of ConXión’s programs provide clients with assessments needed for program participation. ConXión uses a wide variety of methods and tools to evaluate, measure, and document academic readiness, learning progress, skill acquisition, and educational needs. Additionally, identifying barriers to success are an important component of every assessment. These may include child care, language, transportation, housing, criminal background, etc. A case manager works with each client to overcome these barriers.  See below. 

Case management services

ConXión experience shows that case management services are critical to assist individuals overcome multiple barriers to employment. ConXión Case Managers are experienced in providing assessment and case management services to hard-to-serve individuals, meeting with them on a regular basis to monitor their progress, address any issues that arise, and make adjustments to service strategies, as needed. Staff has strong knowledge of and established relationships with a wide range of resource referral agencies throughout Santa Clara County.  

Culturally Competent Staff

Staff are certified in:

  • Offender Workforce Development Specialist

  • CPR First Aid, Mental Health First Aid

  • Leadership Training Academy

  • Mediation and Ombuds Services

  • Certified Business Advisor

  • Credentialed Teachers

  • La Cultura Cura

  • Mandated Reporters

  • Trauma Informed Systems

  • Domestic Violence Advocacy

  • Certified DV Instructor

  • Celebrating Families!

  • PREA

  • Girls Circle

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